스토리지 프로텍션 FilingBox MEGA, 국제공통평가기준(CC) 인증 획득

스토리지 프로텍션 솔루션 FilingBox MEGA가 국제공통평가기준(CC) 인증을 획득했다. 이는 세계 최초 ITU-T X.1220 표준 기술을 적용한 스토리지 보호 솔루션이 CC 인증을 받은 사례로, 이를 통해 보안 성능의 우수성과 신뢰성을 인정받게 됐다. FilingBox Mega는 애플리케이션 레벨 스토리지 프로텍션 제품으로, 사전에 등록된 애플리케이션만이 정상적으로 데이터를 읽고 쓸 수 있도록 통제해 스토리지를 보호한다. 등록되지 않은 애플리케이션이 데이터를 요청할 경우, […]
Finally, FilingBox protects data not only from ransomware but also from data breach malware.

FilingBox began to protect data from ransomware using a create-read-only network file system. This technique allows a user to create a new file. But it always provides a file with a read-only attribute when a user opens a file with a double click on a mouse unless a file is opened with a right click […]
FilingBox got the FIPS 140-2 CMVP certificate!

FilingBox got the FIPS 140-2 CMVP certificate and applied it to FilingBox MEGA first. FilingBox began to use the cryptographic module certified as FIPS 140-2 validated for products. Please check our CMVP(Cryptographic Module Validation Program) certificate here. Try the more secure FilingBox for ransomware prevention!
FilingBox got the triadic patent family right for ransomware prevention

Ransomware prevention become a very important technology than ever. FilingBox’s patents are registered by major patent agencies including the U.S, China, EU, Japan and Korea. Check this out The reason they registered FilingBox’s patent, the System for blocking phishing or ransomware attack, was this is a brand new concept protecting data against ransomware from the […]
FilingBox MINI Roadmap

FIlingBOX MINI Roadmap FilingBox TEAM Coming Soon 2019 – 2020 FilingBox MINI for Mac and More We are developing a FilingBOX MINI client for Mac OS, Phishing-Free Storage Option and etc . July 2019 FilingBox MINI Open beta test We are selecting 20 beta testers who live in different continents. We need a help to […]
How have we developed FilingBox?

We have been developing a file-server-based document management solution since 2006. Existing EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) are usually difficult to use and have user interfaces. They normally ask the user to type in their information into a web-based form, which makes it difficult for users to register new files to the EDMS. Also, sharing […]